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Welcome to OnTalento

About us

OnTalento brings over twenty years’ global talent acquisition experience within the technology industry, from start-ups to corporate business. We combine a track record of delivery and expertise that comes from leading in-house talent acquisition, management functions, to executive search consultancy and RPO (Recruitment Process Outsourcing). 


We find, connect and retain talent with the mission to achieve performance success and add value to your company, your teams and you.

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What we do




Unicorns exist and we find them!. 


We know unique talent “Unicorn” are rarely available, imagine recruiting them!


We are experts in FAMC (Find, Approach, Manage, Close) roles that require proactive recruitment, strategic mindset, unique skills sets and skills combination and are critical to your company success.





Branding & Culture Focused, we deliver targeted Hiring Processes that scale-up and give extraordinary candidate experience. 


We are your partners to create, build and deliver an in-house function that you can keep and run successfully by yourself. We help tailor your culture message so we create a brand that connects with the talent pool your business needs. 


Group of Diverse Multiethnic People Team



Hiring is just the first step, stats prove that the first 3, 6 and 12 months on a new job are critical for the success of the individual and the speed on getting them productive and adding value to your business.


We know that this is critical, and we offer a tailored retention plan for your new hire, where we combine years of expertise in human resources, coaching, psychology and onboarding strategy and delivery.



Dalton House, 60 Windsor Avenue

London, SW19 2RR

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